The National Wild Pig Task Force draws upon the strength of its Subcommittees, groups of professionals with expertise within specific areas, to address national issues pertaining to wild pigs. The objectives of each of the four standing Subcommittees of the NWPTF are to (1) provide expertise, leadership and guidance for the NWPTF, (2) propose actions to be considered by the NWPTF Steering Committee and (3) facilitate or conduct approved actions.
The goal of the Research Subcommittee is to identify knowledge gaps in the basic and applied ecology of wild pigs and to propose recommendations to address these information needs. This Subcommittee also facilitates communication among wild pig researchers throughout North America and internationally.
The Policy Subcommittee will review legislation and other policy related issues from around the country and make recommendations to the Steering Committee regarding whether the NWPTF should provide comment or take other actions. The Policy Subcommittee will also review and discuss ideas for resolutions and public statements generated from the membership and draft the resolutions and public statement before they are sent to the Steering Committee for action.
Applied Management
The Applied Management Subcommittee focuses on the development of guidelines and practical recommendations for Best Management Practices (BMPs) on a wide range of topics relative to the applied management of wild pigs. This Subcommittee works with other subcommittees, for example the Research Subcommittee, to determine research needs for science-based applied management of wild pigs.